Course Decription

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of 3D mechanical design with our comprehensive course in Autodesk Inventor. Designed for engineers, designers, and product developers, this hands-on program offers in-depth training in advanced techniques and tools used to create, simulate, and visualize mechanical components and assemblies. Participants will learn to leverage the power of Autodesk Inventor to streamline design workflows, improve design accuracy, and enhance collaboration across teams and disciplines. Through practical exercises and real-world projects, students will develop the skills and expertise necessary to excel in the competitive field of 3D mechanical design and product development.


  1. Industry Standard: Autodesk Inventor is the industry-standard software used by mechanical engineers and designers worldwide for creating, simulating, and visualizing 3D mechanical designs, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across projects and organizations.
  2. Design Innovation: Learn to innovate and optimize mechanical designs using Autodesk Inventor's advanced modeling, simulation, and visualization tools, enabling you to develop innovative and competitive products that meet customer needs and market demands.
  3. Collaboration and Integration: Streamline collaboration and integration with other Autodesk software, such as AutoCAD and Fusion 360, as well as with other engineering disciplines, such as electrical and civil engineering, to create holistic and integrated design solutions.


  1. Career Advancement: Position yourself as a skilled 3D mechanical designer and Autodesk Inventor expert, enhancing your career prospects and earning potential in various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and consumer products.
  2. Design Efficiency: Improve efficiency and productivity in mechanical design tasks by mastering advanced features and workflows in Autodesk Inventor, allowing you to create, simulate, and visualize complex mechanical components and assemblies with speed and accuracy.

Key Skills:

  1. 3D Modeling: Develop proficiency in creating precise and detailed 3D models of mechanical components and assemblies using Autodesk Inventor's parametric modeling tools, including parts, assemblies, and sheet metal components.
  2. Simulation and Analysis: Learn to perform static and dynamic simulations, stress analysis, and motion studies to validate and optimize mechanical designs for performance, reliability, and manufacturability.
  3. Visualization and Rendering: Master Autodesk Inventor's visualization and rendering tools to create realistic and compelling visualizations and renderings of mechanical designs, enabling you to communicate design intent and present concepts to stakeholders and clients.
  4. Documentation and Drawings: Explore Autodesk Inventor's documentation and drawing tools to create detailed engineering drawings, parts lists, and assembly instructions for manufacturing and assembly purposes.
  5. Collaboration and Integration: Enhance collaboration and integration with other team members and disciplines by sharing and exchanging Autodesk Inventor models and drawings using industry-standard file formats and collaboration platforms, ensuring seamless communication and coordination throughout the design process.
Price and Duration
Online Training Price : N100000.00
Offline Academy(Executive) Price : N120000.00
Offline Academy(Group Class) Price : N100000.00
Duration: 1 month
Course Outlines

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