Course Decription

Embark on an immersive journey into architectural visualization with our comprehensive course in Lumion, a powerful and intuitive 3D rendering software. Tailored for architects, designers, and visualization professionals, this program delves deep into Lumion's features and capabilities for creating photorealistic renderings and animations of architectural designs. Participants will learn to import 3D models, apply materials and textures, set up lighting and environments, and render high-quality images and videos that bring architectural concepts to life. Through hands-on projects and real-world examples, students will develop proficiency in Lumion, enabling them to produce compelling visualizations that communicate design ideas effectively to clients, stakeholders, and audiences.


  1. Visualization and Communication: Lumion plays a crucial role in architectural visualization by enabling designers and architects to create immersive and realistic representations of their designs, facilitating effective communication and decision-making among project stakeholders.
  2. Design Development: Lumion provides a valuable tool for exploring and presenting design iterations, variations, and options, allowing designers to visualize and evaluate different design choices, materials, and configurations in real-time, enhancing the design development process.
  3. Marketing and Promotion: High-quality visualizations produced in Lumion serve as powerful marketing and promotional materials for architectural firms, real estate developers, and construction companies, helping to attract clients, investors, and buyers by showcasing the potential of architectural projects in a compelling and engaging manner.


  1. Enhanced Presentation Skills: Mastering Lumion equips architects and designers with the skills and knowledge to create captivating visual presentations that effectively convey design concepts, aesthetics, and spatial qualities to clients, stakeholders, and decision-makers.
  2. Competitive Advantage: Architects and visualization professionals proficient in Lumion gain a competitive edge in the industry by offering clients and employers high-quality renderings and animations that stand out in the marketplace and enhance project proposals and presentations.
  3. Workflow Efficiency: Lumion streamlines the visualization workflow by providing a user-friendly interface, extensive library of assets and effects, and real-time rendering capabilities, enabling designers to produce stunning visualizations quickly and efficiently.

Key Skills:

  1. Lumion Interface and Navigation: Develop familiarity with Lumion's interface, tools, and workflow for importing 3D models, navigating scenes, adjusting settings, and rendering images and animations, ensuring efficient and productive use of the software.
  2. Material Application and Texturing: Learn to apply materials, textures, and shaders to 3D models in Lumion, including surfaces, objects, and landscapes, and utilize Lumion's material library and customization options to achieve realistic and visually appealing results.
  3. Lighting and Environment Setup: Acquire skills in setting up lighting and environments in Lumion to create realistic day and night scenes, adjust sunlight, shadows, and reflections, and enhance visual quality and realism in architectural renderings and animations.
  4. Camera Animation and Effects: Master Lumion's camera animation tools and effects for creating dynamic camera movements, flythroughs, and cinematic sequences, adding visual interest and storytelling elements to architectural visualizations.
  5. Rendering and Output: Learn to optimize rendering settings and output settings in Lumion for producing high-quality images, panoramas, and videos for different purposes, including presentations, marketing materials, and client deliverables, ensuring professional results that meet project requirements and expectations.
Price and Duration
Online Training Price : N150000.00
Offline Academy(Executive) Price : N180000.00
Offline Academy(Group Class) Price : N150000.00
Duration: 2 months
Course Outlines

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