There are several things we all considerwhen we want to buy our new phones. However, our research has proven that thisconsideration is based on individual priorities and interest.
What do I mean?
What a selfie freak will consider mostimportant in a phone to buy will differ from what a researcher or a programmerwill consider. Therefore, the bottom line is that what people consider beforebuying a phone depends on what they consider most important to them and whatthey want to use the phone for.
We have outlined some of the things youmay wish to consider before paying for a phone.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. PhoneRAM is what actually determines the speed of your phone. As you open anapplication on your phone to perform a particular task, it is the RAM thatholds every data stored in that application as it is running. Therefore, the RAMspace of your phone will determine the number of applications you can run onyour phone at the same time without slowing your phone down. The bigger theRAM, the more apps you are able to run on your phone at a time without yourphone hanging or heating up. Invariably, it is the RAM size that determines thespeed of your phone.
By this, if you are among those that runseveral applications at a time, then you will need to consider phone RAM themost important thing to check out for in a phone to buy. Very big Ram may notreally matter to a phone user who is only using WhatsApp and Facebook. Somepeople assume RAM is a storage feature of a smartphone but it is not. RAM onlyholds information and application as long as the phone is on and theapplication is running. Once you shut down your phone or an app, all theinformation is wiped off the RAM.
As at 2015, the standard RAM size was 1-2GB but currently, the standard RAM size for those interested in RAM is between 4GB and 12GB.
Another important thing to consider whenbuying a mobile phone is the inbuilt storage capacity. This is because everyinformation on your phone is stored on your storage space. Thus, the number ofinformation or files your phone is able to keep depends on the internal storagecapacity. This means that the more the internal memory space, the more thepicture, videos, Apps and documents you are able to store on your phone. Eventhough there is another way of getting around this which is getting an externalstorage card (Memory card), it is always better to have higher internal memory than banking on just external memory.
The battery of the phone is another thingyou need to check out before settling for any smartphone. If you are in thepart of the world where there?`s constant power supply, then, you may not needto bother much about strong battery. But am also sure you wouldnt want toalways get your phone connected to power source because of poor batterycapacity. If you are resident in the part of the world where there is an issueof constant power failure, then you need to consider battery capacity beforebuying any phone. Dont forget that constant charging of your cell phone is nothealthy for your phone, so look out for phones you can use for long beforeneeding to charge it. The latest smartphone battery life is between 4500mAh and 5000mAh. So if you are checking out a phone do not go for phones the batterycapacity is far below this.
It is also important to check whether thephone you want to buy is 2G, 3G or 4G enabled. The G stands for generation anddeals with connection or browsing speed. It is likely that the recentgenerations will be better off than the old generation. For instance, a 4Gphone will browse faster than the 3G enabled one. It is advisable never to gofor a 2G phone in this dispensation. You can either go for 3 or 4G to enjoybrowsing with the phone, except you have nothing to do with connecting to theinternet.
Camera quality is also an importantfeature of a phone to consider depending on what you bought the phone for. Ifyour work demands taking a lot of pictures, then you must consider a sharp andhigh-quality phone. If you are also a ?`selfie? freak, this may be the first ofyour consideration before concluding on a phone. The latest and highermegapixel phone camera is between 48MP and 108MP(MegaPixel). So you know you should choose something closeto that at least to get the kind of pictures you would want.
Another important thing to put intoconsideration when buying a smartphone is the size of the screen and thequality of the display. Smartphones come in a variety of screen sizes. Depending onyour preference and need, when buying a phone you would get to choose between a small screen, medium, anda big screen.
If you like using a very portable smartphone, you may want a smartphone that comes with less than 4.5-inch screensize this is a perfect choice. For something bigger then consider a smartphonewith a medium screen size (4.5-inch to 5.5-inch). A smartphone with a largescreen is an excellent choice for people who like watching videos or playinggames on the go, reading text on a big screen etc. People in this category may consider a screen size of 5.5, 6.0 inch or morewhen buying a phone.
Display quality also needs to betaken into consideration when buying a phone. The screen resolution has a majorimpact on the quality of display the higher it is the better. Also phones withAMOLED screens tend to offer richer hues than the LCD screen. Phones with low screen resolution cantdisplay all the details and offer that exceptional experience the ones withhigh resolution can.
There are a lot of phones in themarket with higher resolutions like 2560?1140 pixel. However, this high displayquality always put the price of the phone on a high side. But even if you arenot able to afford these higher resolution phones, you should as well not gofor phones less 1920?1080 pixels resolution, except youve got no interest atall in camera quality.
Price is an essential factor whenconsidering buying a phone, especially when comparing two phones with similarfeatures. Would you be willing to pay an additional price for a stylish lookingphone compared to a not so stylish phone with similar features?
Most of the people start choosing a phone bydeciding on the price range that suits their budget. No doubt, the budget of abank manager or a company executive will defer from that of a dependent or amiddle-class father with family responsibilities to cater for. As such, people taketheir budget into consideration when buying a phone.
Smart phones come in varied pricebrackets. There are various high range, mid-range, and low range phones withcompetitive features. So even if your budget is low, you can still pick thebest within the range of your budget when you know what to look out for in aphone. But don't trade quality for the price because you will end up paying more in the long run when you have got a not too good phone at a cheaper price.
Smartphones keep getting better. Manufacturers are giving their best tointroduce some new and exciting features created to improve the user experience.There are things such as fingerprint security, wireless charging, a slot for MicroSD card for expandable storage, water-resistance feature, and so on. Thesefeatures boost the overall experience. The high-end smartphones come with mostof these features.
We have listed all the things you may wish to consider before paying for your next smartphone.There are tons of great phones out there for every budget and taste. With thesethings in mind, you will know what to look for.
Article was written by Nnoruka Ebere
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