everal software have been developed for different stategovernments to enable them manage their land resources and reduce wastage. Withthe invention of automated land information management system, progressivegovernments have been able to increase their revenue and also recover somefunds.

InNigeria, the first attempt by the federal government on land administrationreform was the initiation of the federal land information project(FLIP). Theproject was carried out in Federal ministry of lands, Housing and Urbandevelopment. It is a computerized land information management system with acentral database for the administration of federal government lands. Theimplementation of the project across the state of the federation took a gradualcourse due to insufficient fund on the part of the government. The result ofthe research carried out by International food policy research on Landadministration in some states in Nigeria showed that before now; land registrationtakes a very long time.

Almost 80 percent of beneficiaries and over 40 percentof professionals interviewed reported that it took more than two years toprocess land application and the major means of obtaining land information wasdirect contact with land administration institutions with limited means ofonline communication.

However,with the development of web-based land information management system, landadministration has become a lot better and easier. Land information management system beensuccessfully implemented in some states like Enugu, Anambra, Portharcot, Riversetc.

InEnugu and Anambra state, Digital dreams developed the Land informationmanagement solution (LIMS) through which land registration information can easilybe accessed. It provides for digitization of survey plan and documentmanagement and allocation of land to the public.

ThroughLIMS all payable fees by property owners in Anambra and Enugu could be trackedand recovered or retrieved. With the LIMS map, email and SMS reminders are

sentto property owners. More so, properties of the property owners who have failedin the fulfillment of their property obligation could be tracked and located.

Another country that has benefited from this innovation is Namibia. In Namibia, the Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and RuralDevelopment (MRLGHRD) battled with inefficiency and ineffectivenessin land administration and provision of services to properties. This led to thedevelopment of Urban land information management system (ULIMS) by Techno Brainto solve the problem in the country.

  The Urban land information management system (ULIMS) provides a land information management platformthrough which reliable and accurate land records and land information can beeasily accessed and quick payments made for property and property services renderedby the local authorities. With the centralized land management system that holds a central and singlerepository of all land and land related information which also has the capacity tointegrate other system containing or utilizing land information in Namibia, revenuecollection was increased in the country through the automated billing system ofthe software.

  Also,in Uganda, The Ministry of Lands, Housing andUrban Development (MLHUD), commenced the implementation of the second face oftheir National Land Information System called Design, Supply, Installation andImplementation of National Land Information System Infrastructure(DeSINLISI). The ministry engaged a consortium led by Institute GeographicNational France International (IGN FI) to implement the second phase of thisproject which was initiated in 2013. The NLIS transformed land informationmanagement system in Uganda from analogue   systems into digital format .The system incorporates the registration, administration,surveying ,mapping, physical planning, valuation and records of lands. Ameasure of success has been recorded in land information management of Uganda sinceits implementation. The NLIS has so far improved service delivery,accountability, security and cost effectiveness.

It was also recorded thatabout US$114 million revenue has been generated. The NLIS has further resultedin a significant reduction in, backdoor transactions, forgeries and graft, challengesassociated with missing land records and demonstrated a solid contribution tothe development of Uganda (Oput, Milledrogues,and Burke 2018).

Thebenefit of computerizing the system of managing land information cannot be over emphasized.

It provides up-to-date, reliable and accessible land informationused in revenue generation, town planning, land maintenance, infrastructuraldevelopment, environmental protection, environmental hazard management and othersocial programs.

It provides information that helps in the development ofmarkets and other economic activities.

It helps in updating geographical maps.

It serves as a vital resource for land and property investment and managementdecisions.

It eases the exchange of information and communication through therepository.

The electronic audit tracking which automated informationmanagement system provides promote economic and social development by helpingin generating more revenue.

Easy accessto market information which increased confidence in land buyers as well as   stimulated the economy by making landinformation available to the public as at when due.

It aideS accessible,accountable, efficient, transparent land administration services delivery andreduced the time and cost of transferring property rights and processing documents.

It provides a centralized data storage whichremoves any cases of data duplicity.

It is cost effective as land information couldeasily be accessed through the internet and at the comfort of one?`s room.

Itreduced land related disputes with its system of better delineation of boundaryand accurate calculations.

In fact, land information managementsystem is important for the socio-economic development of central and stategovernments. Every governments should therefore strive to develop all therequisite infrastructures necessary for the implementation of digital landinformation management system.


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