he Video gaming industryis one of the most interesting industries in the world of entertainment. It?`soften the first to embrace new opportunities of further absorbing a player intothe game playing experience.

Although, video gaming isstill in its infancy throughout the African continent, the sector is stillgrowing rapidly due to the continent's young population and increasingtechnological literacy.

African countries such asNigeria has been making rapid advances in mobile game development, both within thecountry and internationally. However, due to limited funding and a market overcrowdedwith western games, success has thus far been minimal.

Despite the abovechallenge, the growing penetration of smartphones across Nigeria andmobile broadband access that is cheaper and faster than it has been a few yearsearlier, has given developers the opportunity to spread mobile games easily.

Just as the smartphoneevolved rapidly so did the mobile gaming market. The gaming apps has surpassedand almost dominated the game console market in terms of generated revenuewithin a few years.

The video gaming industrygive people all over the world the opportunities to relax and learn new thingsfrom the comfort of their homes.

Although many players maynot think about the industry that creates these games but the industry hasevolved significantly over the years and will continue to evolve as companiesdevelop newer technologies and titles that keep players interested.

Despite that it?`s nearlyimpossible to predict specific numbers, the industry looks like it will keepgrowing for many years to come.

Thereis increased willingness of players to play games across a variety of media anddifferent platforms. That is why video games and related

content can now beaccessed and played on a variety of media, including: cable television,dedicated consoles, handheld devices and smartphones, through social networkingsites.

Videogames get better every year!

Wewill likely see them enter an experimental phase as they work through newcontrol and viewing options such as adding voice, touch screens and gestures togame mechanics.

Thoughthe video gaming industry needs to revolve more revenue off its intellectualproperty because the product costs a lot to make but with merchandisingapproach (like T-shirts, figures, hats and more), more successful video gameseries may follow.

The most important aspect of this trend in the video game industry isthe demographic growth and expansion of the market. People are playing games nowand will keep playing. Gaming has a wide appeal, and it is still growing.

The video game industry has always been about innovation. Newtechnology, new controls and new experiences are to be expected.

The search for additional source of income by game industries is as aresult of the huge amount of finance it takes to keep a game industry in continuousexistence.

In essence, game companies require deep pocket and other ways of makingprofit to exist and grow.

With more people playing games and creating demandfor more immersive entertainment, the future of the video game industry looksbright.


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