T (Industrial Training)which is also known as Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a practicalskill program designed for students of high institutions to expose them to thepractical aspect of their course. Industrial Training program was introducedin Nigeria in 1974 by Industrial Training Fund (ITF) when employers discoveredthat university graduates who took courses in the field of science andtechnology could virtually do nothing when employed. Therefore, the program wasestablished to provide students the opportunity to acquire practical workexperience they are likely to meet after graduation from the high institution.

Theessence of IT is to provide you skills that will help you build future career.IT helps you to learn organizational work ethics and management to be able toadapt easily when employed after graduation or even manage your own firm.Through IT you acquire the necessary disciplines that will help you to be astaff in any organization or be a successful entrepreneur. It is a period youlearn how to apply head knowledge to real life situation and also learn to takeresponsibility. IT gives you opportunity to interact with the work space,handle industrial working tools and machines in order to be prepared for workafter graduation. During IT, you are accepted by an organization related toyour field of study where you will be allowed to work and gather job experienceand skill for a period of one year, six months, four or three months as thecase may be. In essence, you are expected by their institutions to get fixed ina firm where you can acquire practical skills.

From the foregoingit is obvious that the SIWES program i.e. your IT is meant to achieve thefollowing objectives:

Provideyou professional platforms to learn industrial skills and gather job


Prepareyou for industrial work situation.

Giveyou the opportunity to work with equipment and machineries that may not beavailable in the university.

Giveyou the opportunities to apply your educational knowledge in real worksituations which bridges the gap between theory and practice.

Makethe process of moving from the world of schooling to the world of professionalwork after graduation easier.

Howare people using their IT period now?

Students havedifferent reasons and goal when they are planning to go for IT. Few studentsactually understand the essence of IT .For those that understand, they use thatperiod to get practical skills for the future while those that don't understandprefer to use their IT period for some other things they consider more importantthan getting a skill.

In Nigeria, ITperiod is mostly seen as holiday and free period to invest in anything. It isseen as break time; break from anything work, break from reading, break fromschool stress, break from writing exam and so on. Therefore, you see studentsgoing to uncle or aunty's place in big cities to chill out and ease schoolstress and at the end of the day collect Holiday package that will only lastfor few days. You see some do their IT in their parents business establishmentthat does not impact any skill; all because they want to save some cash in process.Some students whose parents own shops in different locations, use their ITperiod to help their parents out in managing the business. Even some whoseparents are petty traders spend their IT period in

their parents kiosk thangoing to learn a skill in any organization.

Some spend their ITperiod trying to build connection of friends. During IT period they apply forindustrial Training in multinational companies that may not have any skill tooffer them because they believe they will meet big people who will be able toconnect them to their future jobs. Such students quickly forgets that when theyunfortunately get hooked up with jobs that require practical skills, they willlose it because they don't have the required skill to do the job.

Whatis the best way to spend your IT?

They best way toactually spend your IT is to use it to acquire skills and one of the mostimportant skills to acquire in this digital age is ICT skill. The reason isbecause ICT has permeated all the nook and crannies of our society.

ICT stands forInformation and Communication Technology. ICT is all the technologies used ingathering and disseminating technology like television, radio, whatsapp, Gmail,internet, Facebook, twitter, instagram etc. Through these technologiesinformation is gathered, generated and disseminated. ICT provides potent andwonderful marketing tool and opportunities for business and non-businessorganization.

Whyshould you learn ICT during your IT period?

1        ICTis the future!

The need for you tolearn ICT now is in the fact that ICT is the future. ICT is currently thenumber one most required skills employers look out for in a prospective employee.There is virtually no sector of society that does not need ICT skill. Take forinstance, Agriculture which in your wildest imagination would need ICT to growis also going digital. Currently, the need of ICT in agricultural sector is soobvious that farmers

are now building websites and creating apps to advertiseand sale their farm produce. They also employ the skills of digital marketingto market their product to the public. If ICT is making waves in agriculturalfirms, think of other sectors.

2          Future jobs are ICT driven!

You will soongraduate and you will start looking for job placement in different institutionor organization.

90% of these jobsthat will be coming your way will require ICT skill to carry out. Currently,several job opportunities advertised on jobsites   have ICTas required qualification.

The reason isbecause, every business needs to reach a wider audience to patronize it whichcan only be possible through digital marketing.Besides marketing, business firmand non-business institutions need ICT technology to run their day to day activities.

It is obvious thattechnology has taken over in the current society and everybody needs to getequipped to fit into the society. There is no form of business venture thatdoes not need ICT skills to thrive. That is why digital literacy is becomingthe major criteria in accepting job application offer.

3        You are not yet under much financial pressure: you need to use your ITperiod to learn ICT because you are not yet under financial pressure andobligation from family friends and relative. As a student, no reasonable parentexpects you to bring money home. They expect you to study, acquire all theknowledge and skills you need to make it in life and give them a better future.Being a student takes off all eyes from you in terms of financial contribution;nobody tasks you to take up a project at

home. Things will change once you areout of school and everyone knows you are a confirm graduate. By then, yourparents, siblings, cousins, niece, nephew, uncles and aunties will begin toplace financial demand on you.

4        You can easily get financial support now

As a student, you caneasily get money from parents, friends and relatives to enrol in some studies thanwhen you have graduated. Even if you graduate and don't have anything doing,nobody sees it as his/her responsibility to keep catering for you when you havegraduated. Therefore, by the time you graduate and discover that all the joboffers require ICT skills and you don't have money to enrol in the trainingbecause you just left school

5        Everybody believes this period is your learning time

  It is important you learn ICT during your IT periodbecause you are not yet under pressure to take up a paid job. Everybody stillsees you as a student who needs financial and moral support. But once yougraduate, the tune of the music will change; all eyes are on you to get a paidjob. Even when you want to spend extra one or two years to acquire skills after your graduation, responsibilities will mount pressure on you to take up job. It iseasier to get parents eyes off from you as a student than when you havegraduated and everybody is looking up to you to start taking some financialresponsibility.

By the timethese responsibilities start mounting pressure on you, you will start to look for anyjob that can fend you money. The unfortunate thing is that if you did not useyour IT period to be grounded

in ICT, you will end up not beenable to get IT driven  jobs even if you have a first class computer science certificate. But if youlearn the practical ICT skills during your IT,  your chance of getting a good job indigital age will be very high.


We offer you 50% discount on any course of yourchoice!

Now is the best timeto grab this whopping offer of 50% discount on any course of your interest. Bythis, your training becomes very much affordable to you. This whooping discountrate applies to you because you are an IT student and we want to make sure thatmoney does not stand on your road to greatness.

Take advantage ofthis opportunity to become an ICT expert and build a formidable FUTURE CAREER!




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