ICTrevolution has brought total transformation in the labour market and the typeof skill required by the employers in the labour market has taken a newdimension. Before now, the most important thing every employer looks out for ina prospective employees was University certificate, but it has gone far morethan that.
Currently, employers require their employees to have some practicalskills in addition to their degree certificate before they can employ them andthe most important of those skills is ICT skill. This is not exaggeration!Employers are incorporating ICT technologies into their company management andrequire ICT skilled staff to be able to run the management. Due to thisreliance on ICT infrastructure to carry out companies or institutions activities, having an ICT skill on a CV is currently an added advantage
Thisis not just happening in private firms, it is happening in public institutions.For instance, the development and deployment of application software solutionslike the Land Information management system, School management solution etc.requires that staffs of these institutions whether private or public possesssome basic ICT skills or be trained in using them.
Informationand communication technology has proved to promote and enhance organizationaland institutional productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Thus, whenorganizations look out for staffs to employ, they look out for people who canengage the ICT tools to bring about productivity, innovation and creativity.
Justlike English and Maths, ICT qualification seems to be the compulsoryqualification an employer looks out for in an employee. Even small and mediumscale enterprises use ICT system to monitor and follow up the inflow and outflow of goods,services and finance. It tracks the record of goods brought into the company,the amount sold and the amount in stock. This makes it impossible for someone without the knowledgeof ICT system to get employed in such establishment. This is why Hardyn said that possessing basic computer knowledge can be a distinct advantagein the workplace. And this skill may range from ability to send emails to othertasks such as using a program to monitors stock control, creating aspreadsheet to evaluate data, or using software such as CAD (computer aideddesign) to create graphic images.
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