fonly we understand what is coming in the nearest future, we will probably startnow to increase and equip ourselves with the necessary skills needed to fitinto the type of work that will exist in the future.

Weknow that the future work is definitely going to look quite different from whatwe have today. Animation, Automation, Digital platforms are seriously affectingthe nature of the workforce, combining creativity with digital skills. And this will change theskills required for both old and new occupations and also transform where andhow people do their work. Technology is strongly transforming the way we work.And as the workplace adapts to an increasingly information-rich world, theskills required for a particular job by the employers are also changing. Almostall the work that will exist in the future will involve automation and require moreof creative thinking.

Becauseof this shift in technology, employers will tend to assess and hire employeebased on the following digital skills:


Mobile phones and mobile technology areevolving on a daily basis. With the fast-moving pace and regular changes in theindustry, it?`s sometimes difficult to keep up. Smartphones are now more common for online use than adesktop. Weve seen an explosion in the Internet in recent years,with multiple industries experimenting with new Mobile and Web applications.

The rise of mobile means thatbusinesses must adapt their strategy accordingly and thrive to stay abreast ofthe trends to make sure that their mobile and web applications remain relevantand discoverable thereby creating a strong demand for digital talents of all kind .         



Arguablythe most important digital skill for the future does not relate to a specificdevice or software.

Automationcan help to streamline a business for simplicity, increase predictability ofservice quality, increase consistency of output, reduce cost, increaseproductivity and achieve digital transformation. It may involve integratingapplications, restructuring labour resources and using software applicationsthroughout the organization.

As technology rapidly evolves, and as machines becomemore involved with daily tasks quickly replacing our specialized sets ofskills, the more we will need to have creative, versatile workers whose skillstranscend what the machines can offer.

Therefore the most important skill for any employee inthe face of automation is creative thinking and to ensure the longevity of aworkforce, these people must be able to do what machines cannot do



Socialmedia marketing is not just cold hard tactics. It means understanding thecreative process that provides creative content that engages with your customerand touches their hearts and not just their minds. Content is theking and base for all your marketing. Social media budgets will get doubled andstronger in the coming next 5 years because of the huge increase of the internet speed and ofthe mobile traffic because of the explosion of the live streaming videos . And internetpenetration is gaining more and more results.

Knowing thestrategies of search engine optimization will give you a cutting edge in thedigital marketing industry. And the rapid growth in mobile phone users hascreated a lot

of opportunities for the social marketers. So a digital marketershould have proficiency in social marketing and selling.

Advanced social sellers need to equip themselves withcontent and conversation, so that they can build more meaningful relationshipswith their customers so as to educate and become a resource for their potentialcustomers, rather than to sell directly.



How you use research skills in your job depends on where you work andwhat you do. Research skills can be used to find better ways of working, toimprove the standing of your company or to find new products or projects towork on.

People who can research more deeply into their industry are often ableto come up with new ideas and better ways of running a company. Being able toconduct good research into your sector will also show that you are dedicated toyour employer and have the desire to improve.

Asdigital transformation advances and sophisticated technologies and tools arebeing developed, the more important the role of an advanced analytics ofpredictive and prescriptive will be because the data recorded will continue toincrease. Knowing how to harness this data is crucial to understanding abusiness and its future. And employees/job seekers who can extract, analyse andtranslate useful information from a company?`s data set will be essential and vital to employers.



Often, creativity in this sense involves whatis called lateral thinking, or the ability to perceive patterns that are notobvious. Creativity is often less ordered, structuredand predictable.

Creative people have the ability to devise new ways tocarry out tasks, solve problems and meet challenges. They bring a fresh, andsometimes unorthodox, perspective to their work. This way of thinking can helpdepartments and organizations move in more productive directions. For thesereasons, they are extremely valuable to a company.

Some people are naturally more creative thanothers, but creativity can be strengthened with practice. These set of skillsmay range from designing, writing and so on.

Employers dont simply want to hire creativepeople because they are impressive. They want creative employees who will helpthem solve their work-related issues and people who have the ability to work with peoplewho have different skillsets, beyond just animation skill.

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